Genah Burditt of EyasSat LLC; Eddie Goldstein and Dimitri Klebe of Denver Museum of Nature & Science, event location/co-host, celebrate the success of EyasSat Rev 4.2 at the Colorado Space Roundup on December 10th.
A great event, packed with relevant panel discussions, networking opportunities, and plenty of coffee and food!
Interesting Facts:
1. Colorado has 3rd largest aerospace industry in USA
2. Over 50% of aerospace companies in Colorado are 10 people or less
WOW! Let’s celebrate CSBR, Small Business, and Colorado’s coolest industry! Cheers!
EyasSat LLC just joined the Colorado Space Business Roundtable and will be attending the 11th Annual Colorado Space Roundup on December 10th at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. We hope to see you there!