EyasSat’s Headquarters are moving to MSU Denver on January 5, 2018! We do not want to move inventory. Send your purchase order and deposit before December 25th and receive a 10% discount on GEN 5...
EyasSat Introduces Single Axis Air Bearing! Light weight, economical air bearing for conducting attitude control studies about a single axis. Studies include center of mass determination/management, testing various control laws, and demonstrating momentum dumping as...
EyasSat, Inc. is looking forward to joining York Aerospace and Ambient Energy on the 4th Floor of the New Aerospace Building at Metro State University as part of the P3 (public-private partnership) initiative. The new...
TSTI, NanoRacks, and ClydeSpace want to help you ASCEND Applied SmallSat/CubeSat Engineering Development – Five (5) Course Training Program for SmallSats & CubeSats Take the next crucial step up the Space Development Ladder at tsti.net.
This year, at Small Sat 2016, EyasSat revealed our new, customized COSMOS interface. COSMOS, from Ball Aerospace, is the only free, open-source command and control system. Along with this added capability we now offer...
Our friends at TSTI (Teaching Science & Technologies, Inc.) and EyasSat Satellite Simulator Kits were crucial to the success of this endeavor. The first of its kind in the world! A Bank with its own...
UPDATE!!! It is less than two weeks away. Join us on Monday, August 10 at 8am for the BIG REVEAL….GEN 5!!!! Eccles Science Center, Room 053 Side Meetings at Small Sat 2015! It is less...